Top 20 NuGet http Packages

Microsoft Azure Insights Library
Provides API functions for consuming Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services Language Text Analytics APIs.
This package adds support for formatting and content negotiation to System.Net.Http. It includes support for JSON, XML, and form URL encoded data.
The HTTP Read-Eval-Print Loop (REPL) is a lightweight, cross-platform command-line tool that's supported everywhere .NET Core is supported and is used for making HTTP requests to test ASP.NET Core web APIs and view their results.
Provides Microsoft Azure Commerce Usage operations.
Provides job collection and job management capabilities for Microsoft Azure Scheduler.
Provides Microsoft Azure HDIsight Job operations.
.NET REST Client Framework for all platforms
Provides API functions for consuming the Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services LUIS Authoring API.
.NET REST Client Framework for all platforms. This package contains abstractions for dependency injection and mocking with no implementations.
44KB of Helpers: Http/Rest, Serialization/Deserialization, Extensions, IO, Email, Security and a light curl/wget like cli for windows users!
A simpler NameValueCollection-derived class that uses HTTP query string semantics and renders to a query string when ToString is invoked.
Tests for netfx-System.Net.Http.HttpNameValueCollection
Provides support for client-side paging (TotalCount header) and server-side query limits for services that expose IQueryable<T> resources.
progstr.log ( is a service that collects your .NET application logs and takes care of the details. It eliminates the hassle of storing and maintaining the precious data produced by your applications, helps you analyze that data, and alerts you when something goes wrong.
Extend ASP.NET MVC to enable the creation of RESTFul api and hypermedia aware resources.
WP7Contrib communication assemblies, for simplifying commuinication (HTTP) with application servers. Contains the following assemblies: WP7Contrib.Communications.dll
MADAM is an HTTP module for ASP.NET (1.1 or later) that allows a single web application to employ standard HTTP authentication schemes (like Basic and Digest) to be used in addition to the non-standard Forms authentication. MADAM also includes a Basic authentication HTTP module.
Before installing on Win2008 run Powershell.exe and then "Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned"! The only real alternative to IIS, UWS is a redistributable web server for Windows that can packaged with your ASP.NET web application and installed on your customers' systems along with your web app or site...
A suite of Http Modules and Http Handlers to easily implemented best practices and increase performance of webforms and mvc websites.