Top 20 NuGet http Packages

A small framework that makes using the Strava API a little bit easier. You can find a Readme file at Please send any feedback to [email protected]
EventStore subscriber, using the JustGiving.EventStore.Http.Client library.
Ninject bindings for the JG EventStore Http subscriber, used for instantiating event handlers for subscribed messages
A short and sweet REST client
Simple HTTP Proxy library.
A tiny FSharp and CSharp Rest server
A wrapper for APIs to call from C#
WebApi.Pagination allows you to easily add Range Header-based pagination to existing WebAPI endpoints that operate on IQueryable data sources.
Quickly stub out 3rd party servers to be used against your automated development test cycle. Designed to feel familiar to use, without having restrictions forced upon you.
A multi-platform REST client powered by Fody, and heavily inspired by paulcbetts's Refit and canton7's RestEase. Supports Rx's IObservable and Task.
A simple, basic .NET REST library
.Net Core Client Extensions for HTTP
Dot NET Core REST API simple client.
HTTP/2 HPACK header encoding and decoding implementation for .NET standard
HTTP API client, wraps System.Net.Http with handy helpers
TypeSafe.Http.Net is a type safe REST/HTTP/Web framework that automagically allows you to make service calls to servers through simple annotated interfaces. The API library consists exclusively of the interfaces that represent the API of the library. This library contains no functional classes and ...
TypeSafe.Http.Net is a type safe REST/HTTP/Web framework that automagically allows you to make service calls to servers through simple annotated interfaces. This library contains a serialization implementation for the Protobuf-Net Google Protocol Buffers serializer for TypeSafe.Http.Net. To registe...
Extensions and helper methods that make working with HttpClient easier as an API.
Transparent filtering proxy engine for Windows.
HTTP server with minimal dependencies