Top 20 NuGet html Packages

A fast HTML Parser using an event-based system (similar to XML-SAX parsers).
A JavaScript fork of HtmlDiff, a library that allows diffing HTML files to output rich HTML text.
A TypeScript fork of HtmlDiff, a library that allows diffing HTML files to output rich HTML text.
Extension methods for .Net classes
Pdf manager class
Convenient HTML page generator for debug purposes in C#
Includes scripts and stylesheets for using Wijmo 5 controls in Cloud Business Apps.
Provides base functionality for Html translation.
A sample package experimenting with inclusion of CSHTML files in NuGet packages
My package description.
Toolkit for Windows phone 8.1 --------------------------------- - Flipview with incremental loading, - Collection for lazy loading, - Flipview indocatior, - Slideshow integration in flipview, - HTML Textblock (HTML VIEWER), - Rating control from Windows phone toolkit, - WrapPanel from Windows ph...
A simple stupid way to share front end assets between msbuild projects
A flat theme for Bootstrap, inspired by Microsoft's Modern Design Language (originally created for Windows Phone and Windows 8 and updated for Windows 10), Google's Material Design Language, and Apple's flatter design language for iOS.
A flat theme for Bootstrap, inspired by Microsoft's Modern Design Language (originally created for Windows Phone and Windows 8 and updated for Windows 10), Google's Material Design Language, and Apple's flatter design language for iOS.
Generates a markdown report from tests.
XAML FlowDocument to HTML Conversion Prototype
jumony core API and HTML spec.