Top 20 NuGet html Packages

This packages makes it possible to extract values from a x-www-form-urlencoded http request into .NET poco objects.
Simple to use Html Helper for the jQuery bootstrap-rating plug-in. Usage - @Html.BootstrapRating(m => m.Rating)[.Value][.Start]... Source - Plug-in -
A widget builder for Sitefinity CMS, compiled for version 8.1.5800.0, .NET 4.5
This sample demonstrates how code snippets for responsive layout can be used in Web Forms scheduler.
This sample demonstrates how to create an event calendar with responsive layout in ASP.NET MVC using code snippets.
SrkToolkit.Web.AspMvc4 is a bunch of extensions and tools to use with your ASP MVC project.
Hext is a set of extensions for HTML Agility Pack that aim to provide a concise, expressive syntax.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for gulp-minify-html. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b14601af3fb2ad72d5048e94188a569a1838fb9c].
CodeComb HtmlAgilityPack
WPF RichText Editor Control with conversion from and to HTML (XAML)
HtmlAgilityPack Class Library
Client library for Pdf Generator Pro
SMTP mailing service using DotLiquid as templating engine, supporting poco viewmodels as well as anonymous objects.
SrkToolkit.Web.AspMvc5 is a bunch of extensions and components to use with your ASP MVC project.
Deprecated as there's new maintainer for original HAP project. Please check the new repo at This is a port of HtmlAgilityPack library created by Simon Mourrier and Jeff Klawiter for .NET Core platform. This NuGet package supports can be used with Un...