Top 20 NuGet graphs Packages

Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for .Net (forked from master branch to add Support to (Multi Targting) netcoreapp3.1, Net 6.0, Net 7.0 And Net 8.0)
Plotly.Sharp provides a strongly-typed binding that generates embedded HTML using Plotly.
Graph search algorithms that work against any graph type implementing the interfaces defined in SCGraphTheory.Abstractions.
Mutable adjacency list graph implementation that implements the interfaces defined in SCGraphTheory.Abstractions.
Plotly.H5 provides a strongly-typed binding to use Plotly on H5 applications.
Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for Wpf. This fork is based on
Reads and evaluates string representations of mathematical formulae. Can be used for solving equations or plotting graphs. eg. var formula = MathParse.Parse("3sinx + 1"); return formula.Evaluate(Math.Pi); will return 1 (which is 3sinπ + 1)
Peity (sounds like deity) is a simple jQuery plugin that converts an element's content into a simple <canvas> mini pie, line or bar chart and is compatible with any browser that supports <canvas>: Chrome, Firefox, IE9+, Opera, Safari
Peity (sounds like deity) is a simple jQuery plugin that converts an element's content into a simple <canvas> mini pie, line or bar chart and is compatible with any browser that supports <canvas>: Chrome, Firefox, IE9+, Opera, Safari (important note: this package is not maintained by peity author. ...
.NET standard polynomial-time algorithm to create a set of smallest polygons (or cycles) from any given set of 2D floating point lines
Core graph theory interfaces, to allow for graph algorithms that do not depend on a particular graph representation.
Graphviz.DotLanguage provides a full fidelity lexer, recursive descent parser, and abstract syntax tree for the Graphviz DOT Language. Use it to parse graphs described in the DOT Language or build graphs using the API and serialize to the DOT Language.
Simple, flexible, interactive and powerful data visualization for .Net. This fork is based on