Top 20 NuGet graphics Packages

SkiaSharp Views & Layers are a set of platform-specific views and containers that can be used to draw on the screen.
A faster way to use OpenTk in WPF without Forms dependencies
LibVLC is a modular multimedia framework that can render video and output audio as well as encode and stream. As it is native code, you will need to use a wrapper library such as LibVLCSharp to use it from .NET.
Silk.NET is a high-speed, advanced library, providing bindings to popular low-level APIs such as OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, and DirectX.
Lightweight integer accurate 2d graphics drawing system designed for embedded systems
A collection of various WPF controls used to select colors. See documentation and usage examples in the project repository, Supports .NET Framework 4.5.1+, .NET Core 3.1+, .NET 5 - 7 Originally developed for PixiEditor:
A high-level 3D .NET Standard class library that gives you real-time 3D graphics with just a few lines of C# code. Supports multiple platforms and devices. See for docs, source, examples, and details on building for other platforms.
TrippyGL is a highly versatile, yet lightweight and simple to use OpenGL graphics library that runs on .NET Core. This package provides integration with the ImageSharp library, allowing loading and saving textures from files or images.
TrippyGL is a highly versatile, yet lightweight and simple to use OpenGL graphics library that runs on .NET Core. This package provides basic font creating/loading/saving functionality.
A highly versatile, yet lightweight and simple to use OpenGL graphics library that runs on .NET Core
Modern OpenGL bindings for C#. It supports OpenGL 4.6 and OpenGL ES 3.2 with relative extensions, OpenGL for Windows (WGL) with relative extensions, OpenGL for X11 1.4 (XGL) with relative extensions, Native Platform Interface 1.5 (EGL) with relative extensions, Broadcom VideoCore IV (Raspberry PI 2...
CSharpGL wraps modern OpenGL features and some high-level common functions(text, scene, picking, UI etc) and offers general demostrations and documents. Inspired by SharpGL. For more information please check (
Modern OpenGL bindings for C#. It supports OpenGL 4.6 with relative extensions, OpenGL for Windows (WGL) with relative extensions, OpenGL for X11 1.4 (XGL) with relative extensions, Native Platform Interface 1.5 (EGL) with relative extensions, Broadcom VideoCore IV (Raspberry PI 2). Specifications ...
LibVLC is a modular multimedia framework that can render video and output audio as well as encode and stream. As it is native code, you will need to use a wrapper library such as LibVLCSharp to use it from .NET.
The Open Toolkit is set of fast, low-level C# bindings for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and OpenAL. It runs on all major platforms and powers hundreds of apps, games and scientific research. OpenTK provides several utility libraries, including a math/linear algebra package, a windowing system, and input handli...
LibVLCSharp is a cross-platform audio and video API for .NET platforms based on VideoLAN's LibVLC Library. It provides a comprehensive multimedia API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop to render video and output audio. Mono, .NET Framework and .NET Core runtimes are supported. LibVL...
A .NET Wrapper for the Open Asset Import (Assimp) library. The library is able to import dozens of different 3D model formats (e.g. OBJ, FBX, GLTF, Collada) and export to several formats (e.g. OBJ, GLTF, Collada). This release targets version 5.0.1 of the native library.
SkiaScene provides simple API to manipulate SkiaSharp objects using transformations.
This is a Raspbian tools built ARM32+ARM64 native library for SkiaSharp. SkiaSharp is a cross-platform 2D graphics API for .NET platforms based on Google's Skia Graphics Library. It provides a comprehensive 2D API that can be used across mobile, server and desktop models to render image...