Top 20 NuGet graphics Packages

A library that allows graphical applications to be written in dotnet core
OpenTK3 fork of bitiopia's NanoVG port
A F# project for creating placeholder images -- a handy tool when making quick prototypes app's and sites.
A framework for .NET designed to interoperate with SDL2.
A collection of simple Blazor graphics components for drawing lines, rectangles, triangles and circles. Version 1.1.0 has some breaking changes over previous versions, including switching from HTML components to using SVG.
Read and write CGM graphics in binary and clear text format.
Provides methods and types to render primitives such as lines, rectangles, circles, and more in MonoGame applications.
Provides methods and types to render primitives such as lines, rectangles, circles, and more in MonoGame applications.
C# port of the MapBox pixelmatch image comparison library. Features accurate anti-aliased pixels detection and perceptual color difference metrics. Implements ideas from the following papers: Measuring perceived color difference using YIQ NTSC transmission color space in mobile applications (2010...
GTK+ native libraries and dependencies.
GTK+ native libraries and dependencies.
A small library designed to be an object oriented wrapper around the OpenGL API. This library uses 100% DSA(Direct State Access) OpenGL, it also exposes some optional extentions such as bindless textures, make sure your GPU can support DSA (OpenGL 4.5 or higher).
Low-level bindings for the Vulkan graphics and compute API.
ImGui integration for Veldrid. Provides a simple interface for rendering and interacting with ImGui.NET.
ImageSharp integration for Veldrid. Provides functionality for loading GPU Textures with ImageSharp.
Engine Nine is the most popular open source XNA game engine that allows you to create amazing 2D and 3D games in C#. It runs on Windows, Xbox, Windows Phone and Silverlight.