Top 20 NuGet google Packages

Google's framework for writing and using C++ mock classes. It can help you derive better designs of your system and write better tests.
Symbols for package 'googlemock.v140.windesktop.static.rt-dyn'. This package should not likely be installed. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Google C++ Testing Framework helps you write better C++ tests.
Symbols for package 'googletest.v140.windesktop.static.rt-dyn'. This package should not likely be installed. (This is not the package you are looking for).
PolylineEncoder.Net is a super lightweight utility to encode and decode latitude and longitude using Google Polyline algorithm. You can learn more about how Google implements and uses this with their maps api here:
IDeliverable.Seo is module for the Orchard CMS that allows site owners robust and granular control over SEO aspects. The module lets site owners control page titles, meta keywords and descriptions, robots.txt and sitemap.xml. Additionally, it allows 301/302 redirects to be configured for changed URL...
Google APIs Client Library for working with Dfareporting v2.6. Supported Platforms: - .NET Framework 4.5+ - NetStandard1.3 Legacy platforms: - .NET Framework 4.0 - Windows 8 Apps - Windows Phone 8.1 - Windows Phone Silverlight 8.0 Incompati...
Nequeo search client common component
Standard API to track Users, Screens, Events, Timing, Exceptions, Transactions and User Feedback
xamarin-forms-analytics-wrapper is a library which warps Google Analytics to Xamarin.Forms. Please check the website for further details.
Easy integration of your .NET Core with Facebook or Google OAuth services
The CData Google AdWords Data Provider allows you to connect to Google AdWords data.
Firebase library for C#. More Documantion is coming soon
Includes the retrieving of data from multiple websites' RSS feeds. Some included are GoogleNews, Reddit, TheGuardian and Yahoo. Additionally, the package stores a lot of information regarding all the entries in each feed. It is very convenient to parse through ,for example, specific site's news' t...
Core functionality for interacting with any of Google's APIs.
Google APIs Client Library for working with Tracing v2. Supported Platforms: - .NET Framework 4.5+ - NetStandard1.3, providing .NET Core support. Legacy platforms: - .NET Framework 4.0 - Windows 8 Apps - Windows Phone 8.1 - Windows Phone Silverlight ...
Provides a convenient, easy to use wrapper for Constraint Satisfaction Programming based on the Google OR-tools.