Top 20 NuGet generation Packages

A .NET 4.5 library for randomly generating object data.
Code generation tool
Writes C# code from C# code using Roslyn
Code generators for [Record]-marked types; generate boilerplate code for immutable record types. See project site for installation instructions and more details.
Analyzers and CodeFixes for [Record]-marked types. See project site for more details.
Bolt Tools used to generate client-side code.
MSBuild tasks and targets for code generation
C# .Net Code Generator designed to generate the following assets based on a C# Interface: * SQL Server 2016 Stored Procedures for CRUD activiity * Repository code for converting raw JSON to concrete implementations of C# Interface * Model code which is the concrete implementation of C# Inte...
.NET Standard 2.0 Implementation of random asset name generation similar to the way Docker works.
ILLightenComparer is a flexible library that can generate very effective and comprehensive IComparer<T> and IEqualityComparer<T> implementations on runtime using advantages of IL code emission.
MongoDb storage for related entities generator
EntityFrameworkCore storage for related entities generator
Csv storage for related entities generator
Related entities generator
Class library to assist with generation of common world objects.
Code Template Generator
Provides the attributed hooks for purposes of invoking Code Generation.