Top 20 NuGet framework Packages

AFrame is a common automation framework built ontop of Selenium for Web Apps, Microsoft CodedUI for Desktop Apps and Appium for Mobile Apps. Utilizing the page object pattern and many others, AFrame gives your automation scripts the ability to be maintainable, flexible, and relia...
NRepository.MongoDb is a generic repository library with a strong focus on CQRS.
This integration library adds support for LibLog to Topshelf. LibLog enables dependency free logging. It contains transparent builtin support for NLog, Log4Net, EntLib Logging and SeriLog or allows the user to define a custom provider. Works with .NET 4 and higher.
Allows creating acceptance tests in developer friendly environment. Features: * Native support for refactoring, code analysis (like finding unused methods), test running and all features that Visual Studio / Intellisense / Resharper offer during code development, * Easy to read scenario definitions...
ImVader is a framework for working with graphs. It provides implementation of common graph algorithms: BFS, DFS, Dijkstra and Floyd-Worshell algorithms, topological sort, computing strong components, finding minimum cuts and others.
A C# framework library for wrapping .NET cache access, including the MemoryCache, AppFabric Cache, Memcached and a disk cache. Use any cache provider in AOP-style, or as an ASP.NET output cache.
Nerve Framework provides a infrastructure platform for .NET applications using CQRS, Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IoC).
Repository Generator will generate an entire repository structure for you. All you need to supply a namespace which contains all your Entity Framework models and the will generate repositories for all your models, it will generate a generic repository providing you with basic ...
Utilidades para trabajar con SqlBulkCopy
uScoober Feature: DataStructures.NotifyCollection
uScoober Driver: Motors.BrushlessSpeedController
uScoober Threading (Tasks)
uScoober Threading (Tasks) for UI (DispatcherTaskScheduler)
Common classes for all layers by Devkru
This is a simple example of a GUI test case with OpenKeyWord.
uScoober Driver: Spot Analog Input
uScoober Driver: Spot Digital Input/Output
uScoober Driver: Spot Pwm Output
uScoober Feature: I2C Scanner
uScoober Driver: Spot I2C bus