Top 20 NuGet forms Packages

Cross platform API for running tasks in background.
PreLoader helps you to pre load data to memory before user navigates to its destination page, helping to speed up your Xamarin.Forms App's page loading.
Ecommunity.Mobile library
This library provides XAML islands interop helpers for Windows Forms. It is part of the Windows Community Toolkit. By using the WindowsXamlHost control, you can add built-in or custom UWP controls to the User Interface (UI) of your Windows Forms desktop application, such as Windows Ink and con...
The Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package includes controls for viewing reports designed using Microsoft reporting technology.
This package provides authentication and authorization support for Code Torch apps
Quick and Easy handling of HTML forms for ASP.Net MVC
Have a view bound to a view model in 40 seconds, if you are as quick as a gazelle, with the API at SmallestMvvm for Xamarin.Forms contains all of those artefacts that are necessary for the smallest implementation of MVVM and achieves ViewModel injection using page class decorations...
An extremely small and tiny (almost not there) MVVM library for Xamarin.Forms.
NUnit test runner for Xamarin Forms
Donky Core functionality for Xamarin Forms
Meta package for .NET 4.6.1 projects
Custom variant of paulpatarinski's SvgImage, but running from a non-custom NGraphics, and allowing for stretchable (9-slice) SVGs.
An NControl implementation for rendering an SVG with optional 9-slice insets.
Visual Studio 2012 Light theme for DockPanel Suite.
Nequeo forms component