Top 20 NuGet formatter Packages

String extension methods for performing {named} {{parameterized}} string formatting, written for NetStandard 2.0
Nukepayload2.Csv is a cross-platform Csv String <==> .NET Object converter. Commonly Used members: Nukepayload2.Csv.CsvConvert.SerializeObject Nukepayload2.Csv.CsvConvert.DeserializeObject Supported types in csv columns: System.String System.DateTime System.Int32 System.Int64 System.Single System.Do...
An enhanced formatter for multipart/form-data data in ASP.NET Framework Web API 2 & ASP.NET Core Web API. This package can deal with nested properties and files.
MSBuild Tasks of MessagePack for C#.
Format exceptions and innerExceptions enriched with tailored information per exception type. This gives you as developer all the information you need to solve issues. | 66A01ECB7D1994BEA2D2E0BD6D051737
.NET library for reflection-based serialization and deserialization of JSON documents
forked from neuecc/Utf8Json. Thanks to Mr. neuecc for the greate project allow string convert to number and revert.
MessagePack standalone code generator.
String format library with key-valued replacer.
The power of XAML Styler wrapped up in a small executable that can be integrated into build scripts, git commit templates, and more. This package is built on top of the same styling engine that powers the Visual Studio plugin, and can be configured by specifying an external configuration.
Json api library for ASP.Net Web API 2
Utf8Json ASP.NET Core Mvc Input/Output Formatter.
.NET library for parsing and generating JSON documents
A small, high performance, powerful serializer using bssom binary protocol
ASP.NET Core BSON formatter, used for working with Binary JSON responses/requests.
Unity shims and formatters for Utf8Json.
Add ImmutableCollection formatters to Utf8Json.
CB.System.Runtime.Serialization covers a collection of different implementations of the IFormatter interface.
ASP.NET Core plain text formatter, used for returning plain text API responses and accepting plain text requests.