Top 20 NuGet font Packages

Cross-platform FreeType bindings for C#.
Cross-platform FreeType bindings for C#.
SharpText is a GPU accelerated text renderer implemented in C#
Unofficial Wrapper for the Font Squirrel API
GlyphLoader is a .NET Standerd library for TrueType, OpenType font. It is written in C#, designed to be small, efficient and portable while capable of producing high-quality glyph images. In WebAssembly environment, it can be used for application development using glyph outline information.
A font library for .NET Core written in pure C#.
HTML5 Setup adds support for video, audio and font file types used by HTML5 and CSS3
Iconic font designed for use with Twitter Bootstrap. Package Issues? Post them to
This is a small bitmap library that provides direct memory access for fast pixel manipulation, animated gif support using native .net, font effects: borders and highlights, and simple scaling & rotation. Good for on-the-fly image generation in web or windows environments.
TrueTypeSharp is a tiny, entirely .NET-native TrueType font renderer. It is primarily a port of Sean Barrett's excellent C library stb_truetype.
A (very) simple, lightweight wrapper for the fantastic 'Font Awesome' font.
Font Awesome Bootstrap Checkbox gives a bootstrap style to checkboxes and radios using Font Awesome. NO JAVASCRIPT
Tools for Xamarin.Android.
Font Awesome gives you scalable vector icons that can instantly be customized — size, color, drop shadow, and anything that can be done with the power of CSS.
Fontysfaction is an Open Source Xamarin Android library that allows developers to easily create applications with custom fonts. Feel free to use it all you want in your Android apps provided that you cite this project and include the license in your app.
Fontwesome is an Open Source Xamarin iOS library that allows developers to easily create applications with custom fonts. Feel free to use it all you want in your iOS apps provided that you cite this project and include the license in your app.
Contiene xaml extensions para renderizar iconos vectoriales de font awesome a partir del text unicode del caracter. Tomado desde:
FreeType is a freely available software library to render fonts. This is a NuGet package of FreeType built with Visual Studio 2015. Static library only.
ForinfinityAndBeyondView is an Open Source iOS library that allows developers to easily an automatic scrolling view to their projects. Feel free to use it all you want in your iOS apps provided that you cite this project and include the license in your app