Top 20 NuGet fluentvalidation Packages

ASP.Net Core extension that maps FluentValidations ValidationException occurrence to Bad Request http response
FluentValidator adapter for System.ComponentModel.Annotations.Validation library.
FluentValidation provider for Kledex validation
Micro-framework for building object validation in fluent style. Dependency injection extensions
NAF support library for FluentValidation package.
Use FluentValidation rules to define validation requirements for NSwag Swagger/OpenAPI schema.
Fluent validation extension for Ninject.Web.Mvc
A quick way to validate any model with lambda expressions.
Simple App to demostrate Nuget
Registers config classes as IOptions<T> and performs validation based on attributes from System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations and provided validator from FluentValidation nuget package
Extension to FluentValidation to validate your configuration on startup.
Package Description
Micro-framework for building object validation in fluent style
A MediatR pipeline that validates the request using FluentValidation.