Top 20 NuGet flat Packages

A flat theme for Bootstrap, inspired by Microsoft's Modern Design Language (originally created for Windows Phone and Windows 8 and updated for Windows 10), Google's Material Design Language, and Apple's flatter design language for iOS.
A flat theme for Bootstrap, inspired by Microsoft's Modern Design Language (originally created for Windows Phone and Windows 8 and updated for Windows 10), Google's Material Design Language, and Apple's flatter design language for iOS.
A flat theme for Bootstrap, inspired by Microsoft's Modern Design Language (originally created for Windows Phone and Windows 8 and updated for Windows 10), Google's Material Design Language, and Apple's flatter design language for iOS.
Flat and Excel file helper to datatable
Modern Xamarin.Forms Calendar that is both interactive and also fits well with only two weeks showing.
Forked Open Source library for automatic formatted file read/write operations
Tools for reading and writing C# arrays to and from Fau byte streams.