Top 20 NuGet filesystem Packages

Interfaces to substitute System.IO calls in the .NET Framework and .NET Core.
Provides interaction notifications for file io.
Provides a 'Local' filesystem abstraction layer to FileSystemAbstraction.
FileSystemAbstraction provides a filesystem abstraction layer. Inspired by Gaufrette (PHP) : The filesystem abstraction layer permits you to develop your application without the need to know were all those medias will be stored and how. Another advantage of this is the possibility to update the fi...
Library for working with template files and getting their full paths everywhere in the code. This is the quick start package that transforms your configuration file and creates a folder for your templates.
OddJob - File System Storage Provider
Providers additional requesters and IO helpers for AngleSharp for .NET Framework 4.6.1.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Straightforward file system database for .NET applications which helps you store data with minimal overhead.
Straightforward database for .NET applications which helps you store data with minimal overhead.
Straightforward database for .NET applications which helps you store data with minimal overhead.
Quick commandline navigation by bookmarks (jumps)
Convenience node to retrieve file system events as observables
This package provides a transactional view of a file system and an in-memory simulator for that view. This makes it easy to test code that interacts with the file system. This is not your typical files and directories API. There is a single instance that represents the entire file system. File and ...
This package provides a transactional view of a file system and an in-memory simulator for that view. This makes it easy to test code that interacts with the file system. This is not your typical files and directories API. There is a single instance that represents the entire file system. File and ...
some simple operations for the filesystem: copy, move, delete and create.
Micro framework for enumerating a file system
Filedrops FileSystem UI