Top 20 NuGet fake Packages

This package provides FAKE helpers that allows to reliably publish your app to Azure WebApps using just a FAKE scripts.
Fake RabbitMQ implementation for usage in testing
Destination for FakerOfData which serializes fake data to a TextWriter.
Destination for FakerOfData which loads fake data to database using the Simple.Data library
This package contains random value generators which are not considered core functionality.
This package provides the core functionality for project Imposter. Project Imposter provides simple over the wire test doubles. Project Imposter allows to stub or mock a REST resource.
MongoDB.Fake is an in-memory implementation of IMongoClient, IMongoDatabase and IMongoCollection for unit test purposes.
Subs for unit testing AspNetCore HttpContext
Record your test suite's HTTP interactions and replay them during future test runs for fast, deterministic, accurate tests.
A .NET wrapper for Paper Trade's simulated investment portfolio API. Invest in the stock market with fake money.
API Extension Methods for Bogus
A fake agent random generater for cralwers.
A fake person data SDK, that can be used for resolving selection tests.
Pacchetto per la generazione casuale di dati (numeri interi, decimali, stringhe random, utenti fake, email, ...)
Integration testing against e-mail almost always sucks. EmbeddedMail doesn't remove all of that pain, but it certainly helps it suck less by providing an in-memory SMTP server that you can assert on.
Prig(PRototyping jIG) is a framework that generates a Test Double like Microsoft Fakes/Typemock Isolator/Telerik JustMock based on Unmanaged Profiler APIs. This framework enables that any methods are replaced with mocks. For example, a static property, a private method, a non-virtual member and so o...
Unity3D tasks for FAKE
a library to generate fake data for test, such as name, email, phone, number and so on.
Tiny host that fakes services for test
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