Top 20 NuGet fable Packages

Timeline extension for Feliz.Bulma
Slider extension for Feliz.Bulma
Aether optics for Fable apps
Fable bindings for Express
Fable bindings for node-postgres
Fable bindings for
Wrapper for BluePrint.Core for Fable Elmish
Fable bindings for React Grid System
Elm inspire encoder and decoder for JSON
Fable bindings for Rebass
Fable bindings for node-libzfs
Google Analytics bindings for Fable
Fable binding for the NPM package "jwt-simple".
Fable binding for the NPM package "js-cookie".
Shared part of Elmish.Remoting
Fable bindings for the NPM package "mobx".
Fable binding for node-mssql, a Microsoft SQL server client library with an idiomatic F# API
Elmish.Browser bridge for Elmish.Remoting
Shared part of Elmish.Bridge