Top 20 NuGet fsharp Packages

A library allowing you to wrap most logging libraries with a F# friendly API.
Project Composite introduces extensions that make building sequence-based composite data processing solutions seamless and easy. It has interfaces specifically tailored for C# and F# use.
F# extensions to simplify CNTK usage
Hopac.Websockets.AspNetCore - AspNetCore extensions for Hopac.Websockets
Type-safe state management (like Redux and Elm) for Blazor.
Google Analytics bindings for Fable
Infrastructure functions helpful in testing the code using Project Composite functions.
Fable binding for the NPM package "jwt-simple".
Fable binding for the NPM package "js-cookie".
Shared part of Elmish.Remoting
Fable bindings for the NPM package "mobx".
Fable binding for node-mssql, a Microsoft SQL server client library with an idiomatic F# API
F# idiomatic modules for the types in System.Collections.Concurrent
Basic statistics with some probability library. Includes common distributions (Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson, Student's and Normal), random number generators from some of the distributions, summary statistics for a sample, Z-Test, Student's T-Test, special functions (Error, Gamma, Beta and Regularize...
Elmish.Browser bridge for Elmish.Remoting
Shared part of Elmish.Bridge
Elmish.HMR bridge for Elmish.Bridge
Elmish.Browser bridge for Elmish.Bridge
FsStats.OOD is an incomplete object-oriented interface for FsStats
Fable bindings for fast-memoize