Top 20 NuGet fsharp Packages

Yet another drawing DSL in F#
A Freya Router based on URI Templates for route matching
An extension to the Freya HTTP Machine adding Patch support
An extension to the Freya HTTP Machine adding CORS support
Fable bindings for React Toolbox
A bot for posting status messages to Slack and responding to Slack posts.
This project is a POC helping you to document your Suave services with RouteTypeProvider.
Functional F# API for Cassandra
Alternative routing API for Giraffe web applications which is aimed at maximum performance.
FSharp wrapper over TwinCAT.Ads library
Conceptually immutable byte string type
A framework for building command line application in F#. Supports command line option parsing, type-safe scanf, monadic command construction, automatic help & shell completion generation, and so on.
Yet another mock library for F#
Html to Elmish converter
Server part of Elmish.Remoting
Fable bindings for react-native-collapsible-header-views
A logger for Forest that outputs to the console. Colorized output thanks to Texta.