Top 20 NuGet fsharp Packages

useElmish hooks to build Elmish components as React components
Fable bindings for @react-navigation/native, @react-navigation/stack, @react-navigation/bottom-tabs and @react-navigation/drawer
DiffSharp is a tensor library with support for differentiable programming. It is designed for use in machine learning, probabilistic programming, optimization and other domains. For documentation and installation instructions visit:
DiffSharp is a tensor library with support for differentiable programming. It is designed for use in machine learning, probabilistic programming, optimization and other domains. For documentation and installation instructions visit:
DiffSharp is a tensor library with support for differentiable programming. It is designed for use in machine learning, probabilistic programming, optimization and other domains. For documentation and installation instructions visit:
DiffSharp is a tensor library with support for differentiable programming. It is designed for use in machine learning, probabilistic programming, optimization and other domains. For documentation and installation instructions visit:
DiffSharp is a tensor library with support for differentiable programming. It is designed for use in machine learning, probabilistic programming, optimization and other domains. For documentation and installation instructions visit:
A library inspired by Elm ports. This is to simplify the interaction between JavaScript and F#.
F# extensions for NBomber
Package Description
Functional input validation for F#.
Distributed algorithms for F#
Package Description
Distributed algorithms for F#
F# runtime library for Protocol Buffers
gRPC and Protocol Buffer compiler for managed F# projects. Add this package to a project that contains .proto files to be compiled to code. It contains the compilers, include files and project system integration for gRPC and Protocol buffer service description files necessary to b...
A .NET Standard library that provides the full set of financial functions from Excel.
Property testing for Expecto, powered by FsCheck
The F# PowerPack is a collection of libraries and tools for use with the F# programming languages provided by the F# team at Microsoft.