Top 20 NuGet fsharp Packages

A fleshed-out game loop from MonoGame with supporting classes, intended to be used as the core loop of larger games. 2D only. All types and methods exposed are immutable and functional, just like the lambda gods intended.
Package Description
SAFE Stack Template
The falanx .NET tool
Figurine does the thing!
Templates for Arachnid on .NET Core
Example projects with Falanx
Wrappers and helpers for ImGui.NET integration with FSharp-GameCore
Layout engine for monochrome displays. Implements layout elements like dock or stack panels to be used for rendering to displays in IoT applications.
Dap Remote on fable
Local Libs on fable
Dap Context on fable
Dap Dashboard Lib
Dap Dsl for React
Dap Context Libs
Record running of actors
Gui Libs