Top 20 NuGet fsharp Packages

Badge extension for Feliz.Bulma
Timeline extension for Feliz.Bulma
Slider extension for Feliz.Bulma
DiffSharp is an automatic differentiation (AD) library. AD allows exact and efficient calculation of derivatives, by systematically invoking the chain rule of calculus at the elementary operator level during program execution. AD is different from numerical differentiation, which is prone to trunca...
Focco is a quick-and-dirty, literate-programming-style documentation generator.
Functional wrapper around the RavenDB client API
Help using RavenDB from F# (and Newtonsoft.Json)
FSRepository provides a quick way of creating a repository in an F# project that uses EntityFramework code first for data access.
Package description
A thin veneer of F#ness arround several different frameworks to make a light weight Mvc framework.
Common F# extensions for the enterprise this now encompasses FSharpEnt.Json, FSharpEnt.Etl, FSharpEnt.Actors
FSharpCouch is a simple wrapper around the CouchDB HTTP API.
MongoFs provides a few simple helper functions wrapped around the official Mongo C# client that make it a littler easier to use from F#.
This library supports functional programming using C#.
FsUnit is a set of extensions that add special testing syntax to MbUnit.
A re-implementation of the OCaml standard library in F# to ease porting and promote cross-compatibility.
Implementation of the Standard ML '97 Basis Library in F#.
A F#-friendly wrapper for the Reactive Extensions.
F# DB Access Library for Global Transactions
F# DSL for first-class MbUnit tests