Top 20 NuGet framework Packages
Entity-framework based Proteus components for entries conversion.
Sfxr playback engine for Chroma Framework
TitanHTML framework
This adds TinyIoC as the bootstrapper used by Batman.
Package Description
Ninject adapter for CommonFramework.
DropkicK is a fluent deployment framework that allows you to describe what you are trying to do in a fluent manner (C# anyone?). This package contains both the executable and the reference dll. Type dk /? for options.
DEPRECATED -- redirects to FubuMVC.Core. Please use the FubuMVC.Core, FubuMVC.StructureMap/FubuMVC.AutoFac packages instead
A NCommon container adapter for Castle Windsor
NCommon data adapter for Linq To Sql
Business Rules Layer for SFS Tools. This component require of other layer/projects for work. Is the default template of SFS.
Business Objects Layer for SFS Tools. This component require of other layer/projects for work. Is the default template of SFS.
Entity Framework Layer for SFS Tools. This component require of other layer/projects for work. Is the default template of SFS.
Entity Framework Poco Adapter Layer for SFS Tools. This component require of other layer/projects for work. Is the default template of SFS.
Front-End ASP.NET MVC layer of Business Module for SFS Tools. This component require of other layer/projects for work. Is the default template of SFS.
The SixPack rapid development library is a collection of classes for rapid development on the .NET/Mono platform. It has been built with medium to large scale sites in mind, and supports high performance requirements (thousands of concurrent users per server.)
Tinyweb is a lightweight web framework for ASP.NET that embraces HTTP and aims to be ridiculously simple. Tinyweb moves away from the MVC pattern for developing web applications. Instead, you start with separate addressable resources that respond directly to the HTTP method that was used to access t...
C# 5 async/await support for .NET Framework pre-4.5
This package is now unified to include all functionality from AsyncBridge.Net35 and AsyncBridge.Portable.
The Polaris Kinect package provides several services to simplify the development of applications based on Kinect input. Custom Ui Service, Speech Recognition, custom user interface controls among other features are contained in this package.
The Polaris Common Services package contains several services that can be used as a framework to simplify the development of compelling user experiences. By providing a set of prism service modules, the Common Services package contains functionality of common use for most of the applications based o...