Top 20 NuGet framework Packages

SQLite database provider for Entity Framework Core.
A minimalist MVVM framework
Simple calucaltor for .NET Framework
Simple library with EF helpers.
Basic classes for working with databases and services
BaseBindingModel is a library that deals with the generic validation and data processing while doing model binding in C# MVC and Aspnet Core.
DioLive Lib : EF Code First extensions
Gandorphi Framework package. - Observable to inherit(INotifyPropertyChanged) - ApiConsumerBase (using newtonsoft.Json and System.Net.Http)
A lightweight library for generating a data context and repository on the fly.
Provides a SqlRepo for Entity Framework targeting SQL Server 2016+. The SqlRepo class includes various CRUD methods, including methods that take a LINQ expression for filtering records. SqlRepo supports auto-rollback transactions and sequence resetting for testing scenarios.