Top 20 NuGet framework Packages

AK47 Framework MCS.Library.Passport.Saml
AK47 Framework MCS.Library.OGUPermission
AK47 Framework MCS.Library.Office.OpenXml.Excel
AK47 Framework MCS.Library.Office
AK47 Framework MCS.Library.HtmlParser
AK47 Framework MCS.Library.Data
AK47 Framework MCS.Library.Cloud.Storage
AK47 Framework MCS.Library.Cloud.Caching
AK47 Framework MCS.Library.Certificates
AK47 Framework MCS.Library.ADHelper
AK47 Framework MCS.Library.Accredit
A database framework like Entity Framework made for educational purposes
Interfaces for KsWare Presentation Framework. Supports .Net 6.0+ and .Net 4.6.2+
MiniProfiler: Integration for Entity Framework Classic 7
Provides extensions for working with entity framework. Adds the .IncludeEntities extension method to dynamically include other entities when using a repository pattern.
Provides abstraction layer for various ag.DbData components.
EntityFrameworkCore.Rx integration library for .NET Core Service Workers
EntityFrameworkCore.Rx integration library for ASP.NET Core
Set of common functions for starting new ASP.NET Core projects.