Top 20 NuGet forms Packages

KAMISHIBAI for Xamarin.Forms is the most flexible page navigation framework. KAMISHIBAI for Xamarin.Forms supports MVVM Pattern.
Xamarin Forms Custom Controls : YearMonthSelectListView
This is a assembly with some Xamarin.Forms Binders,Controls,ViewModels,Models,Services.
Customizable Calendar for Xamarin.Forms.
UI components for Umbraco Forms Expressions
This is a Ninject MvxIoCProvider for MvvmCross.
Expansion pack for Xamarin providing enhanced MVVM, controls, effects, and much more.
Xamarin Forms VisualStateManager implementation, supports part of major features of original VSM from WPF
A common trigger actions for Begin and Stop of specific storyboard, which may be used with EventTrigger or any another trigger type in Xamarin Forms
Xamarin Forms package which allows use some common WPF/UWP features like XAML-defined animations, storyboards, etc...
A lot of common WPF/UWP animations, ported to allow their usage in Xamarin Forms
Addional views and plugins for Xamarin Forms - currently in development
Helper to ease integrating a Wndows Forms Application with Application Insights. This can really help to track your users experience providing real data on when an how your application is used and also to get direct information about exceptions.
Helper to ease integrating a Wndows Forms Application with Application Insights. This can really help to track your users experience providing real data on when an how your application is used and also to get direct information about exceptions.
Class library extending Windows Forms functionalities.
Fixed a crash on UWP with GetCurrentThread
SNavigation(Xamarin.Forms) allows you to put any elements on navigation bar.