Top 20 NuGet excel Packages

Uses AngleSharp and ClosedXML to automatically convert an HTML table to an Excel spreadsheet.
封装EPPlus自动将对象中的数据保存到表格中 提供将表格数据转为指定对象的操作
Composing Excel spreadsheets based on a tree of nested components like the HTML DOM.
SimpleExcelTable is a .NET component that allows you to quickly create tabular Excel reports using a fluent API and conditional formatting. It currently relies on Microsoft Excel Interop.
openXml to export excel
Actualizacion de epplus para net core
1. if empty string convert to int or decimal,ignore the error and set int or decimal to defaut value; This project is clone from git://,which Map POCOs to Excel files. And I have add the excel headers properties to the ExcelMapper because I need it in my project.
Excel Tools Dependency Injection
Create Excel from Array (List, DataTable, DataSet, ...)
KmopoFramework(Excel操作) - Excel.Integration
KmopoFramework Excel模块EPPlus
KmopoFramework(Excel操作) - Excel.Abstractions
API to read and write Excel document without Microsoft Office installed.
Straightforward and easy way to create stylized excel workbooks from lists. Add an image, title, subtitles and overal cell styles/formats. Uses the EPPlus engine.
Create Excel spreadsheets for Office 97/2003 or Office 2007+ on the fly with an easy to use .NET library. No 3rd party dependencies. No Microsoft Office Excel dependencies. The ExpertXLS Excel Library for .NET can be linked into any type of .NET project, either ASP.NET web sites or Windows Forms a...
Use the headless implementation of the virtual dom for testing.