Top 20 NuGet eventsource Packages

The Semantic Logging Application Block provides a set of destinations (sinks) to persist application events published using a subclass of the EventSource class from the System.Diagnostics.Tracing namespace. Sinks include Azure table storage, SQL Server databases, file, console and rolling files with...
Server-Sent Events (SSE) client implementation for .net core and .net standard
The Semantic Logging Application Block provides a set of destinations to persist events published by a subclass of EventSource, This add-on packages adds support to persisting log entries into Elasticsearch.
Event sourcing mechanism.
Autogenerated Application Insights telemetry based on metadata descriptions
Akka.NET Persistence journal and snapshot store backed by RocksDb.
The EventSource Analyzer is part of the Semantic Logging Application Block. It can be incorporated into your automated tests to help validate your EventSource instances. This library contains a class library that targets .Net Core 2.0 & .Net Standard 2.0.
Application Insights EventSourceListener allows sending data from EventSource events to Application Insights. Application Insights will collect your logs from multiple sources and provide rich powerful search capabilities. Privacy statement:
Provides an ETW EventSource analyzer build for 'Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing'.
Azure Storage Table backend for Akka.Persistence.
EventStore.Client.FSharp is a NuGet that adds a F#-ideomatic interface on top of EventStore
Provides an input implementation for capturing diagnostics data sourced through System.Diagnostics.Tracing.EventSource infrastructure.
The Semantic Logging Application Block provides a set of destinations to persist events published by a subclass of EventSource, This add-on packages adds support to persisting log entries in Azure table storage. This re-implementation is because, as of Dec '16, SematicLogging seems to have been aba...
Semantic logging database application block of Enterprise Library modified to use EventSource from "Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing" namespace
Semantic Logging out-of-process logs service of Enterprise Library modified to use EventSource from "Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing" namespace. Currently following sinks supported: - consoleSink - customSink - flatFileSink - rollingFlatFileSink - elasticsearchSink...
Semantic logging elasticsearch application block of Enterprise Library modified to use EventSource from "Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing" namespace
MSBuild targets for automatically generating EventSources from templates
MSBuild targets for automatically generating EventSources from templates
Generators for AutoLogger templates
The Semantic Logging Application Block provides a set of destinations to persist events published by a subclass of EventSource, This add-on packages adds support to persisting log entries in SQL Server and Azure SQL Database. This library contains a class library that targets .Net Core 2.0 & .Net St...