Top 20 NuGet enumerable Packages

A fluent library of wonderful extensions and utilities that can make your code short and clean.
This package add extension methods to IConfiguration interface.
Useful IEnumerable extension methods.
A Roslyn analyzer with rules related to generation and consumption of enumerables and async enumerables in C#.
Provides a set of helpful Combinatoric assets for use during operation.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
LINQ operators to enable C# 8.0 index and range new features working with LINQ queries and any type that implements IEnumerable<T>.
Provides a set of helpful Combinatoric Permutations assets for use during operation.
A wrapper around an existing IEnumerable which immediately pre-fetches the first element of the source. This means that any up-front initiation code is executed immediately, rather than when later iterated over, but retains the Lazy streaming nature of the Enumerable for all later elements.
Provides a Set Collection implementation.
New collections and extension methods for existing interfaces like IEnumerable<T> and ICollection<T>
Extensions to System.Reflection.
Extensions to Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.
Explore trees and tree-like structures with LINQ using tree-traversal algorithms like breadth-first and depth-first search: IEnumerable<DirectoryInfo> childDirectories = Traverse.DepthFirst(new DirectoryInfo(...), d => d.EnumerateDirectories()); IEnumerable<DirectoryInfo> parentDirector...
MedallionComparers makes it easy to create IEqualityComparer<T>s and IComparer<T>s for any situation, including comparing collections.