Top 20 NuGet entityframeworkcore Packages

This provides server side implementations of data access services for API use. It also provides an abstraction to API controllers which encapsulate base services, conflict management and regirstration to the IoC.
Base package for Workflow-core peristence providers using entity framework
Provider agnostic transaction sharing for Entity Framework Core; types specific to SQL Server databases.
Provider agnostic transaction sharing for Entity Framework Core; types specific to the in-memory provider.
Version for Entity Framework Core (>= 2.0). Allows the creating of composable queries and thus the reusability of Linq2Entity query snippets.
EFCore.Toolkit is a library which provides implementations for EntityFrameworkCore best practices, patterns, utilities and extensions.
Decouples the read model from entities themselves. The read model is automatically generated at runtime from given projection/view interfaces. Essentially works like views for tables in RDBMS. See the project page for examples.
A very barebones implementation of EntityFrameworkCore. Supports basic CRUD interactions. Lots of untested features.
.Net Core boilerplate and middle tier framework
Based Librame.Extensions.Data.Abstractions on EntityFrameworkCore extension implementation.
The tool to display the sql generated by EntityFrameworkCore, developers can view the sql and the excute time via browser.
Amm.UnitOfWork 是一个简单EntityFrameworkCore工作单元,支持存储库,工作单元模式和支持分布式事务的多个数据库
An extension for caching results of queries into the Redis cache. This library implements asynchronous and synchronous execution. It supports distributed lock to be able to use cache between n-numbers of servers which runs the application and doesn’t allow any race condition for cache update. You ca...
UnitOfWork, Repository pattern implementation for ASP.NET Core data accesss layer.
Based Librame.AspNetCore.Identity.Abstractions on EntityFrameworkCore application implementation.
Based Librame.AspNetCore.Data.Abstractions and EntityFrameworkCore on ASP.NET Core extension implementation.
Provides implementation for Data Access with EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer. It provides implementation for IRepository<T> and DbContext. It also provides extension methods for IServiceCollection to easily adding types to .NET Core DependencyInjection. Is also supports using multiple DbContexts withi...
EntityFrameworkCore extensions for DotMoney