Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

Package Description
A package that makes it simple to create plural och singular models with Entity Framework Core
Package Description
Package Description
SD.Toolkits EntityFrameworkCore基础
Package Description
Le projet LilaSoft.Patterns.EventBus.EntityFrameworkIntegrationEventLog est un fork du projet du repository eShopContainers afin de faciliter mes futurs développements. Comme tous mes forks issus de ce projet, ils sont issus à changement suivant l'évolution de mes besoins.
An alternative query compiler for Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer that supports complex queries and operators and FOR JSON.
SD.Framework 基础设施 - 仓储基础 - EntityFrameworkCore实现
Actonica's EF Repository implementation
ASP.NET Core Identity provider that uses Entity Framework Core.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Proyecto que contiene las clases bases para repositorio en Fenix
Utile.Money is a composite money type. It implements many operators that alow the class to be treated like a type.
add documentation summary for entity framework 6.x edmx file from database table and column comment,now for sqlserver only, you can download source code to add other db implementation!