Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

Sample DAL using Entity Framework
This package Implement the abstract of repository pattern which in LT2Group.DomainFramework
Skymate Framework
Поддержка индексов через атрибуты модели
Repository pattern for Entityframework
Vouzamo.EntityFramework Class Library
Retrieve the primary key (including composite keys) from any entity
Small library that provides functionality for manipulating entities in Entity Framework.
Skymate Framework
Minimalist library to facilitate Entity Framework needs.
Minimalist library to facilitate Entity Framework testing needs.
Mohicansoft.Blogging.EntityFramework Class Library
Allows you to use SQL Server types on a machine without SQL Server installed.
My package description.
Reusable unit of work and repository implementations over Entity Framework
An ASP.NET Identity 3.0 provider for Entity Framework 6
Entity Framework Code first get started project structure such as: - ApplicationDbContext - ApplicationDbInitializer - BaseEntity