Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages
.NET Core Common Helpers.
Many helpers such as: CmdHelper, Log4NetHelper, TypeHelper and JwtHelper and so on.
Provides a generic service orientented CRUD interface to repositories of a data context in Entity Framework Core with async methods.
CodeGenHero is an amazing Visual Studio extension that enhances developer productivity via code generation.
This package should be added to projects that are the target of CodeGenHero templates that leverage Reverse POCO entities along with Entity Framework.
Beetlejs Entity Framework Core Handler.
Api with swagger (dark theme) and repository
Ralms.EntityFrameworkCore.Oracle is an ORM, created at the top of the ODP.NET for .Net Core. It allows you to use Entity Framework Core 2.X
A repository context provider for the Entity Framework Core.
MultiTenancyServer Entity Framework Core library.
EntityFrameworkCore 的扩展,通过反射注册实体模型。
Annotation for the 'Stardust.Paradox.Data' Entityframework styled tool for accessing gremlin based graph databases like CosmosDB and Apache Tinkerpop.
Added EpochDateTime type
A library extension built around Microsoft Entity Framework to extend its functionality and performance.
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