Top 20 NuGet entity Packages

Offering you a complete abstraction of the UnitOfWork-Pattern with the basic CRUD-Operations, the Repository Pattern and extended functions like CustomRepositores all in one small lib. Made for the Entity Framework.
Helpers for testing .net applications
A library of core helpers, extensions, constants, enums and other useful things for all .NET projects using EF.
EFHooks simplifies the task of hooking code into EF Code First's extension points and separates concerns to make it easy to unit test your hooking code.
Common nuget package required for TrackerEnabledDbContext & TrackerEnabledDbContext.Identity
The seventh version of the configuration-less, dynamic and self-adaptive database-first oriented Kerosene ORM library, with real full support for POCO objects, natural SQL-like syntax from plain C#, and advanced maps and lazy properties.
A .NET library for converting entities to and from JSON.
This is a portable library that implements a SQL Server ADO.NET provider for Windows Store and Windows Phone apps.
Testing helpers for using NSubstitute with EntityFramework.
Toolkit with classes I collected over time and use, contains: - the repository pattern with specifications and fetch strategy - unit of work - data object projection with linq - data mapping
Datagrid component for Entity Framework This component is used for dynamic generation of tables with search / sort / pagination. All select used in this component will always make ONLY three queries to the database, 2 counts (total / filtered) and the select that will retrieve the data ALREADY paged...
SqlServer 2008, 2012 and 2014 support for the seventh version of the configuration-less, dynamic and self-adaptive database-first oriented Kerosene ORM library, with real full support for POCO objects, natural SQL-like syntax from plain C#, and advanced maps and lazy properties.
EFCore persistence library, abstracting and simplifying dbcontext integration
A small ECS library I tossed together to learn myself some F#.
Relation dependencies in EntityFramework is common task. This package will create a select box, or checkboxes depending if you have a Single or Multiple relationship.
A WinForms utility to help manage Entity Framework 6.0+ migrations
Generic Repository for MVC 5 and EntityFramework 6.1 with built-in security logging.
Entity Component System (ECS) framework. Can be used for games and other projects where composition is favored over inheritance. Github project can be found here:
Dehydrator helps you combine ORMs like Entity Framework with REST service frameworks like WebAPI. By stripping navigational references in your entities down to only their IDs their serialized representation no longer contains redundant or cyclic data. When new or modified deserialized data needs to ...
Reactive extension wrappers for hot observables of Entity Framework entities