Top 20 NuGet entity-framework Packages

An aggresive auto migrator tool for EF core 2.1 and above
Provides an ApplyChanges extension method for DbContext that sets EntityState on trackable entities, so they can be saved in a single transaction as part of a batch update.
Get typed access to the `OriginalValue`s of your entity properties. Simple and complex properties are supported, navigation/collections are not.
A provider that allows tracing Entity Framework queries and updates.
Change-tracking utility for client applications that wish to transmit entities to a web service for batch updates.
Change-tracking utility for client applications that wish to transmit entities to a web service for batch updates.
A toolkit for writing Entity Framework provider wrappers.
An NLog database target that is configurable via an Entity Framework connection string.
Assembly containing ITrackable interface and TrackingState enum.
QueryDesigner provides way of creating complex IQueryable filtering based on dynamic expression trees.
Data access utilities for ADO.NET and Entity Framework
WebBackgrounder.EntityFramework is an implementation of the IJobCoordinator for WebBackgrounder that uses a Database (via EF Code First) as the synchronization mechanism (aka a mutex) for coordinating jobs.
Provides an ApplyChanges extension method for DbContext that sets EntityState on trackable entities, so they can be saved in a single transaction as part of a batch update.
Entity Framework integration for JSONAPI.NET, including an EntityFrameworkMaterializer and ApiController to highly automate building JSON API web services from EF6+ data models.