Top 20 NuGet easy Packages
Easy and Simple way to add membership feature to your project.
based on Identity, Owin, Entity Framework.
An asynchronous easy to use WebSocket client
An asynchronous high-performance and easy to use WebSocket server
Expose an db view at easy way.
A super fast and efficient compression library.
Easy Google ReCaptcha wrapper for MVC
My try to make it easy to implement the google ReCaptcha service for a MVC Website.
For Samples see the project site.
Easy Google ReCaptcha wrapper for MVC Core
My try to make it easy to implement the google ReCaptcha service for a MVC Website.
For Samples see the project site.
Sockets Server/Client Library
A .NET library for making simple rest calls
Make HTTP Requests easier, using a generic builder pattern and options for customizations
Core interfaces to use in MVVM library and Xamarin.BetterNavigation.Forms in Xamarin.Forms.
A management tool that provides easy access to hardware interfaces to automate management tasks on local or remote computers.
This package is the windows platform implementation of the NeatInput project. A .NET standard library to easily monitor keyboard and mouse input.
The Lifetime Scoping package adds an advanced new lifestyle called 'Lifetime Scope', which allows instances to live within an explicitly defined thread-specific scope and get disposed when this scope ends.
Easiest and fastest Micro ORM, you've got the queries, you've got the objects, take the best of two worlds ! This is only the core, you should reference an existing database provider.
Rich web applications deserve more meaningful events than mere "click". Custom events have long been recommended, but you still had to listen to click to fire them off. Now you don't, let trigger.js take care of it. Just declare what you want the browser events to mean, right on your elements. And...