Top 20 NuGet extensions Packages

BCI Extensions Identity
Methods for calculating the minimum and maximum of an IEnumerable<T> in one pass.
Oracle dbcontext
A light weight .NET Standard library that provides a DisposeWith extension method to IDisposable objects. This is an alternative to the method provided by ReativeUI, allowing for a much smaller library dependency.
This assembly helps you bind types immediately with a list. The assembly is an extension of type IServiceCollection. See the link to the github for a description
Ldap extension
Usefull extension methods for Type and Assembly
Package Description
Orbit for encryption and cryptographically secure pseudorandom data generation
Package Description
A collection of extension methods that allow TheSadRogue.Primitives types to easily interface with SFML's equivalents.
Regular expression extensions
Serilog for Asp.Net Core
Command and Query specializations for MediatR requests.