Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

DataBag provides an easy way of resolving string expressions based on registered variables. DataBag.EntityFramework allows you to integrate DataBag library with EntityFramework. For more details see Project Site.
A package that implements Auditing for Entity Framework Core based DbContexts. It is extensible to allow other logging providers like MongoDB, Azure tables etc. Just inherit AuditingDbContext from your application's DbContext and use the overloaded SaveChange(string userName) instead of the standard...
Entity Framework Core extensions and helpers for Communist service layer library.
UniRepository.Core includes the main interfaces for the UniRepository library.
Generic repository pattern implementation for Entity Framework 6 (with async version)
Bulk operations for Entity Framework
Magicodes.Admin框架微信插件EF Core和迁移库
Providers access to the INFORMATION_SCHEMA via EntityFramwork and LINQ.
An implementation of M.Repository abstraction using EntityFramework.
FeralExpressions defines the expansion method .Inline() which can be called on either an expression, or an IQueryable. It replaces method calls in the expression with the method body. In order for this to work, the method must (a) be declared in a partial class (b) have an expression body (c) hav...
A easy way to map ViewModels to Entity Data object. Examples on
ef tool for generating database tables and columns description