Top 20 NuGet ef Packages

The RESTier EntityFramework Provider contains classes to access data sources exposed with Entity Framework library. This package contains original RESTier Entity Framework Core provider from Microsoft retargeted for .NET Standard 1.1
Das IQB benutzt diese Bibliothek für EF-basierte Anwendungen (z. B. automatische Synchronisation der DB-Inhalte)
Ein kleine Sammlung von Controls, um eine Erinnerungsfunktion einfach zu implementieren.
Provides an extension method to materialize a paginated query. This package is for Entity Framework Core. For an identical API on Entity Framework 6.x, see `FGS.Linq.Extensions.Pagination.EntityFramework6`.
Provides an extension method to materialize a paginated query. This package is for Entity Framework 6.x. For an identical API on Entity Framework Core, see `FGS.Linq.Extensions.Pagination.EntityFrameworkCore`.
Provides extension methods to materialize query results while describing failures using discriminated unions. An `IQueryable` version of `OneOf.Linq`. This package is for Entity Framework Core. For an identical API on Entity Framework 6.x, see `FGS.Linq.Extensions.EntityFramework6`.
Provides extension methods to materialize query results while describing failures using discriminated unions. An `IQueryable` version of `OneOf.Linq`. This package is for Entity Framework 6.x. For an identical API on Entity Framework Core, see `FGS.Linq.Extensions.EntityFrameworkCore`.
Provides extension methods to materialize query results - essentially a white-labelling of EF's `XAsync()` extension methods, albeit with names that explicitly convey the concept of materialization as the intent. This package is for Entity Framework Core. For an identical API on Entity Framew...
Provides extension methods to materialize query results - essentially a white-labelling of EF's `XAsync()` extension methods, albeit with names that explicitly convey the concept of materialization as the intent. This package is for Entity Framework 6.x. For an identical API on Entity Framew...
Database utilities for Entity Framework - Proper enum handling (mapping to lookup tables with cache) - List merging - Property mapping - Save validation (to get the underlaying error messages) - Audit functionality - Various helpers
Package Description
Generic CQRS and Unit Of Work implementation
Contains the EntityStoreBase for easier implementation of entity stores. This is a part of the FBase system that makes development easier. This is a dependency for .net Framework libraries and applications.
Библиотека расширений для Entity Framework Core
A simple and extensible library to map DTOs (or anything!) using powerful expressions.
A simple tool that helps with common scenarios while using Entity Framework Core command-line tool (dotnet-ef) Enables these commonly used commands: dotnet ef-contrib recreate dotnet ef-contrib squash dotnet ef-contrib add dotnet ef-contrib remove dotnet ef-contrib config
For Fast EntityFramework Code-First Startup Performance
Interactive Pregenerated Views for Entity Framework.
Interactive Pregenerated Views for Entity Framework.
Extends DbContext: BulkInsert, BulkUpdate, BulkDelete, BulkMerge