Top 20 NuGet dynamics Packages

xRM Framework Fakes Test Library for Dynamics CRM 2013
xRM Framework Moq Test Library for Dynamics CRM 2013
A type provider for Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011.
A .NET library that helps you easily check for required runtime dependencies on Dynamics CRM. See for details.
Deploy plugins / workflows etc to Dynamics CRM programmatically using a fluent API. This is useful for when a manual process, such as using the Plugin Registration Tool, just wont cut it!
PMKS returns quick and accurate results for the position, velocity, and acceleration of rigid bodies connected as planar mechanisms. This project is typically used with the aid of the web tool (PMKS_Web project which is a Silverlight project), or the forthcoming UWP application. It may also be execu...
TypeScript library for Dynamics CRM webservice methods
Deploy plugins / workflows etc to Dynamics CRM programmatically using a fluent API. This is useful for when a manual process, such as using the Plugin Registration Tool, just wont cut it!
ynamics 365 Bulk Operations is a helper class to perform bulk operations with Dynamics CRM. The library has support for both Execute Multiple and Threads for batching multiple requests and managing sending them to Dynamics CRM.
Base classes for Dynamics 365 plugins and workflows. Wraps the boilerplate code and offers a series of extension methods to streamline plugin and custom workflow activities development.
F# friendly functions for Dynamics 365.
CrmLogger.Fody is a Fody add-in that injects logging for function entry, exit, parameters, and return value for Dynamics CRM Logger ( solution.
Common assembly for Microsoft Dynamics CRM development.
Fast, easy and lightweight Microsoft Dynamics CRM Plugin Framework.
The package contains a library which provides some usefull classes, which can be injected in the code generation process of the CrmSvcUtil.exe. The interfaces are documented at
Simplifies the plumbing necessary for creating Microsoft Dataverse (and Dynamics 365) plugins.
A set of helper functions for Dynamics CRM
Provides reusable implementation utilities for plugin and workflow activity development.ces