Top 20 NuGet download Packages

WebDAV client library for .NET, Xamarin iOS and Android for managing items on WebDAV RFC 4918, RFC 2518 and DeltaV RFC 3253 compliant WebDAV servers, uploading, downloading files, managing locks and file versions. The library is using Task-based Asynchronous Pattern (TAP) and requires .NET 4....
Core library for grabbing information and media from supported sources
An abp application module that allows users to share resources with each other.
An abp application module that allows users to share resources with each other.
An abp application module that allows users to share resources with each other.
An abp application module that allows users to share resources with each other.
An abp application module that allows users to share resources with each other.
Abstractions for making HTTP requests.
The Fetch_dotNET Class Library is a high level wrapper around the HttpWebRequest. The library is currently compiled at .Net 4.5 so it should work with any application running .Net 4.5 and above. Fetch_dotNET provides the Fetch API for your networking needs. Fetch will seem familiar if you have us...
Manage uploading/downloading files in the file system. Samples:
A file downloader library for Android with pause and resume support
Package Description
Package Description
CrossDownloadManager is a cross-platform library for downloading files in the background.
The main Downlink package including the controllers and infrastructure code
A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android
AltoHttp provides fast and easy download management
A cross-platform library for Parsaspace hosting service; written in C#
A simple .NET wrapper library for youtube-dl and yt-dlp. Note: Package versions >= 1.0 are optimized to work with yt-dlp. Package versions 0.x retain support for the original youtube-dl.
AltoMultiThreadDownloadManager provides fast and easy management multithreading download