Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Package Description
Generates code on build that allows reading Json in a typed structure, based on example Json.
Package Description
ISA compliant experimental metadata toolkit in F#. This project is meant as an easy means to open, manipulate and save ISA (Investigation,Study,Assay) metadata files in the dotnet environment.
Excel File IO methods for ISA compliant experimental metadata toolkit in F#. The underlying datamodel can be directly read from and written to ISA-Json and ISA-Excel (ISATab format) files.
A source generator that generates C# code based on Sitecore Content Serialization (SCS) .yml files.
.NET for Apache Spark
An MSBuild SDK package for SDK-style .NET projects that has additional targets and properties which extends `Microsoft.NET.Sdk`.
A lightweight http server for mocking web services and REST resources
Fabrik.Common is full of useful code we use every day at fabrik.
Command line tool to compile LESS files
Generates TypeScript model from .NET assemblies
Tool for converting a MSBuild project file to VS2017 format and beyond.
.NET Core command-line (CLI) tool to update project properties and version numbers on build.
A no-nonsense duplicate files remover CLI tool, targeting .NET Core 2.1
Thunder web framework where productivity and performance go together
With t-rex, you can explore the results of your most recent test run. It discovers, parses, and displays the contents of .trx files.
Extensions to the `dotnet test` command that enable code coverage reporting (using OpenCover) and a few other bonus features. NOTE: Due to OpenCover being Windows only, this tool will only work on Windows Features 1. Run `dotnet test` with code coverage tracking by OpenCover 2. Generate cobertur...
dotnet-properties is a .NET Core global tool which allows to edit project properties using a cross-platform UI.
A dotnet tool for moving projects around on disk or within a solution while automatically updating solutions and project references. ## To Install `dotnet tool install -g DotNetMove` ## To Uninstall `dotnet tool uninstall -g DotNetMove` ## Usage ### Moving Projects on Disk ##### To modify a parti...