Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

A general purpose toolbox of helpful .NET extensions methods (and some types). Helpful extension methods on Dictionary, DateTime / DateTimeOffset, on strings and StringBuilder, on general collections, and so forth.
Add a NuGet package only for dll reference? By using dotnetCampus.SourceYard, you can pack a NuGet package with source code. By installing the new source code package, all source codes behaviors just like it is in your project.
Core Identity library for Arragro.
A library to ease the configuration and launch of Selenium WebDriver instances in .net projects. Supports browser instances run locally or on a Selenium 4.x grid. Supported Browsers: Chrome Firefox Microsoft Edge Internet Explorer 11 (Windows Platforms) Safari (MacOS) Platforms: Windows (PlatformT...
Get info from msbuild projects
Stringprep library implementing RFC3454
A simple .NET OAUTH 2.0 client.
o2gen is a CommandLine tool for generating c# and typescript POCO (DTO) classes,interfaces and records from OData feeds with lot of configuration parameters. Signed by from repository '' commit 'a38b6c4f6d52a6d261a1c4841ec37921badaaf48' (see contai...
Strongly-typed .Net Client for Sanity CMS (
Infrastructure layer of generic implementation of Repository Pattern in C# to Cosmos DB SQL API
SoftwareCraft.Result represents the OOP implementation of a functional concept. Instead of throwing an exception, return a Result, and the code will be much cleaner and the intent much clearer.
This is an easy-to-use .NET client for LocalStack. The client library provides a thin wrapper around aws-sdk-net which automatically configures the target endpoints to use LocalStack for your local cloud application development.
The library primarily targets OData Version 4.01 and provides linq syntax for creating OData queries based on a data model.
Advanced console display in color.
Silk.NET is a high-speed, advanced library, providing bindings to popular low-level APIs such as OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, and DirectX.
**This package is a fork from** This is a Standard2.0 version of the package Xunit.Repeat. Repeat attribute to use with Xunit
European VIES VAT validation for dotnet.
Gulliver is a C# utility package and library engineered for the manipulation of arbitrary sized byte arrays accounting for appropriate endianness and jagged byte length. Functionality includes the as previously unsupported standard set of boolean algebraic operations, bitwise shifting, and unsigned ...
Sop.Spider a .NET Standard web crawling library. It is lightweight, efficient and fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework
Heroes of the Storm base models library for other Heroes Tool Chest repositories.