Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Socket.Io Parser ( binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Socket.Io binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Skyway binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Rx Core Binding (rx-core-binding) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
React JSON Pretty (react-json-pretty) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
React Addons Linked State Mixin (react-addons-linked-state-mixin) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Radium binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Peerjs binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Object Hash (object-hash) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Needle binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Mitm binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Materialize Css (materialize-css) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Marker Animate Unobtrusive (marker-animate-unobtrusive) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Lowdb binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Jsend binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
jQuery.Fancytree binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Simple Odoo JSON-RPC Client for .Net Core 2.0. Fork from
This is a library that provides logging for .NET Core 2.0 applications. It gives the option of logging to Disk, SQL database or MongoDb. It also has a find method that can be used to search for logs based on time range, partial message string, log type (Exception, Error, Warning, Information).
Falcor Router (falcor-router) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Commom functions and extensions used on Tempus Digital's projects.