Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

The Swiss army knife, or pragmatic ninja toolbelt, for dotnet core helpers. Pure 100% managed C# code, with as little dependencies as possible.
Implementation of Couchbase repository for persistence of MassTransit Automatonymous Sagas.
Cloud Foundry .NET SDK
Simple Odoo JSON-RPC Client for .Net Core 1.0
This is a cross platform command line tool that enables you to modify project.json file. You will usually need this for your build scripts when you want to patch project.json file for version increments, or adding release notes.
MaestroPanel .NET Library
Stackato .NET SDK
Curve25519 and Ed25519 sign/verify, implemented in C# as a portable class library.
LunaRoad is a flexible platform for working with Lua for .NET /DLR & Lambda features. Open Source project under the MIT License. ⚠ LunaRoad now is 🗦🌔 LuNari ⮱ renamed on 27 Jan 2019 Current packages are no longer maintained. Please consider upgrading to modern LuNari ! NE...
Library to help implement integration testing.
Package Description
Semantic Versioning for .NET libraries heavily inspired in Elm package-install (bump and diff)
.NET Standard Types and Validators library for Base16-, Base32- and Base64-encoding and decoding in several variations (i. e., Base32Hex, Base64 Url safe, etc.)
DotNetTestNSpec is a NSpec runner for .NET Core command line interface and Visual Studio IDE. It runs NSpec tests in .NET Core projects targeting both .NET Core and .NET Framework, both from console - taking advantage of `dotnet test` command line interface - as well as from Visual Studio Test Expl...
.Net Orm framework,仅支持 Sqlserver 2005-2008,MySql,Oracle,Sqlite
Nancy.Raygun.AspNetCore is a non-official library, based on Nancy.Raygun, that wires up the error handling in Nancy to submit error to Raygun for dotnet core Nancy apps. See for more details about the Raygun service.
A converter from NUnit v3 TestResult.xml to NUnit v2.