Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Bitcoin full node as a C# library
Infrastructure and cross-cutting-concern abstractions for .NET
Infrastructure and cross-cutting-concern abstractions for .NET
A library for implementing Pact provider tests
A .NET global tool to create, import and export CSVZ files.
Additional file providers and support for working with physical files and directories.
Provides additional ASP.NET Core TagHelpers.
ScaledDomains.Extensions.Caching.MySql.MySqlConnector is a free, open source distributed cache implementation using MySql as datastore using MySql.Data.
Biblioteca de clases (.NET Core 3.1) para compilar código de C# y VB Basada en código en C# de Laurent Kempé (Copyright (c) 2019 Laurent Kempé) y otras fuentes de la web. (para .NET Core 3.1 revisión del 25/Oct/2020)
The Email_dotNET Class Library is a high level wrapper around the SmtpClient. The library is currently compiled at .Net 4.0 so it should work with any application running .Net 4.0 and above. Allows sending, receiving and processing email messages in .NET applications. Includes SSL and TLS support...
PE image models for the AsmResolver executable file inspection toolsuite.
High level .NET image models for the AsmResolver executable file inspection toolsuite.
Convert between VB.NET, C#, Java, and C++, while saving countless hours of painstaking work and valuable time. The library is currently compiled at .Net 4.0 so it should work with any application running .Net 4.0 and above. C# to Java Converter produces great Java code, saving you hours of painst...
The WebScraper_dotNET Class Library is a high level wrapper around the WebRequest. The library is currently compiled at .Net 4.0 so it should work with any application running .Net 4.0 and above. WebScraper_dotNET is a library for scraping web data. It converts HTML code into a structured array of ...
The data engine abstraction
Reads and writes .NET assemblies and modules, Windows PDBs and Portable PDBs. For better *Windows PDB* writer support, you should add a reference to `Microsoft.DiaSymReader.Native` nuget package too, see the dnlib README for more info: . You don't need to...
CloudWatch App.Metrics reporter
Platform-agnostic cloud connector provider for Zen
Persistence layer implementation for use of MongoDB in APIs using JsonApiDotNetCore.
Database manager for .NET