Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Web-related abstration layer for Zen
Package Description
Memory caching provider for Zen
ReaLTaiizor is a user-friendly and design-focused control library for .NET WinForms projects, containing a wide range of components. You can personalize your projects with different theme options and customize user controls to make your applications more professional.
A small .NET Standard library for writing well-structured, clear-cut 3A tests.
.NET class library to easily build self-organizing agents based systems.
.NET implementation of the LEGO PoweredUp Protocol
Cross-platform Bluetooth Low Energy library, based on Plugin.BLE, for Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, Mac, UWP(Preview), .Net Core 3.x, Net5.x and .Net Framework 4.6.1+(Preview - Windows 10 only - WPF and Windows.Forms), TVOS(Preview) and WatchOS(Preview), Tizen(coming soon)
Aeon repository pattern extension methods
A Heroes of the Storm dotnet library to parse the json data files from Heroes Data Parser.
Avalonia live reloading window.
.Net ASP.NET Job Scheduler Long-Running
.Net ASP.NET Job Scheduler Long-Running
Best with fast and convenient unit conversions. .NET Insanely Fast Unit Converter - Conforyon
Abstractions package for ChustaSoft.Tools.Authorization project
Provides additional MSBuild tasks.
Provides additional support for working with ASP.NET Core, including TagHelpers, View Location Expanders, support for IMetadataAware, and rendering enumerated types as SelectLists based on a UiHint attribute.
A .NET Standard 2.0 library consisting of a ton of very useful C# extension methods.
Simply a bunch of extension methods that might help any developer
A library designed for various types of tasks. Part of the RIS "ecosystem".