Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

An intuitive, progressive and comprehensive client to interact with the Azure REST API services. Please see the project website on for documentation.
An intuitive, progressive and comprehensive client to interact with the Azure REST API services. Please see the project website on for documentation.
To create single instance applications on .NET Core/.NET 5
C# Extension Methods for use with Windows Azure Storage.
A simple library to make testing HttpClient and related classes easier.
Register types in IOC searching for injection interfaces.
A tool to determine the estimated read time for HTML or Markdown articles
DotnetSpider, a .NET Standard web crawling library. It is lightweight, efficient and fast high-level web crawling & scraping framework
ASP.NET Core plugin for NSerializer
A Blazor component that utilizes server side validation.
Interfaces e funcionalidades básicas para o desenvolvimento de aplicações.
Input abstraction for command line and others.
NFluent checks for checking HttpResponseMessages.
An extension of iUltimateLP's Launchpad DotNet library that adds support for the Launchpad Mini Mk3 and enables SysEx support. Ported to dotnet standard by pstaszko.
The Genocs Library .NET Core to be used with MongoDB as persistence datalayer..
Insider exporting your application state and metrics via Web UI.
Enable WPF window has an outside resizable border.
An intuitive, progressive and comprehensive client to interact with the Azure REST API services. Please see the project website on for documentation.
Contains obscure and sometimes deprecated features of the Azure REST API. Please see the project website on for documentation.
Basic Authentication Middleware