Top 20 NuGet document Packages

Use the headless implementation of the virtual dom for testing.
PSPDFKit .NET Library
Provides a re-factoring and re-imagining of the Code Fixes elements deployed in the default Analysis and Code Fixes project template. This particular assembly focuses on Code Fixes only as part of that re-factoring effort.
A library that validates if the NIF (tax payer id) is valid or not.
A library that validates if the NISS (Social Security Person Id) is valid or not.
A library that validates if the CC (Citizen Card id) is valid or not.
LIFTI provides a simple API that allows you to build a searchable full text index. This can be useful for document retrieval or simply allowing .NET objects to be searched for by associated text.
C#/.NET binary driver for OrientDB.
Object / Document peer to peer database for the .NET framework.
ArangoDB-NET is C# based driver for .NET/mono framework which implements ArangoDB REST API.
DocumentForms Control Library
.Net connector for Tom PIT cloud solutions.
simple document database
This package provides an alternative to creating unique constraints in RavenDb
EgoDB Identity
Object / Document peer to peer database for Mono.
Document Hero allows users to tag and upload documents
Perceptive Document Filters modules.
PCL Imaging Library for Document Scanning, contains Canny edge detection, Blob counter, quadrilateral transformation and many more. Check samples in github how to convert from/to pixel map to iOS or Android image. This package is compatible with the following .net platforms: net45+dnxcor...